“Do I Need a Humidifier in Arizona?”
Arizona is well-known for its dry weather. This means we tend to have low levels of humidity. Though humidity levels are often a question of comfort, they can also seriously impact your health. In this article, you’ll learn whether or not you should consider changing the humidity of your home. You will also learn how to determine humidity levels. Because Arizona is so dry, you may need a humidifier. One of the most important signs to look at is your health. Specifically, are your sinuses bothering you?
In most areas of the country, sickness tends to be a problem in the winter in part because that’s when humidity levels are at their lowest. Dry weather dries out the sinuses, making you more likely to get sick.
Arizona is not like the other states. Whereas the cold air in most states doesn’t hold much moisture, it’s the warm air that doesn’t hold much moisture in Arizona, making these problems longer-lasting.
There are also a few non-health-related signs that you need to get a humidifier. Are you having problems with peeling wallpaper or paint? Is the wood in your home warping? Either way, the problem is the same: your house is absorbing the moisture in the air.
The least serious symptom of low humidity is also one of the most noticeable: frequent static shocks.
With some of these signs, especially in regard to your own health, you’ll want to get professional air quality testing.
“Do I Really Need a Dehumidifier in Arizona?”
Given the low levels of humidity, you won’t need a dehumidifier throughout most of the year. However, humidity levels can get high during the monsoon season.
Your HVAC can remove some humidity, and this should be sufficient for many Arizona homeowners. However, if you’re worried about mold, one of the best ways to counteract it is by installing a dehumidifier.
Humidity Testing in Gilbert, AZ
Want to test the humidity levels in your home? Call Hicken Air at 480-376-1667 or contact us online to learn about our air quality testing services.